
Locking up the office at night

A quick guide to buying a second-hand safe

Keeping your valuables safe from theft or fire is obviously a high priority, but it can be expensive. Fortunately, it's possible to find high-quality second-hand safes that can save you money without compromising on security. Of course, you'll have to know what you're looking for, so here are some basic tips. 

Not all used safes are the same

The term "second-hand safe" covers a range of possibilities. Buying a used safe from a clearance or from a private individual isn't quite the same as buying one from a reputable locksmith or security firm. A used safe may have had nothing done to it at all, or it may have been cleaned and given some basic maintenance. Ideally, however, you want not just a used safe but a safe that has been professionally reconditioned. This could include a reset combination locking mechanism, or a replaced lock in the case of a key safe. All mechanisms should be checked, cleaned, and lubricated; if this doesn't happen, you could find yourself in the awkward position of being unable to open your safe and having to break into it yourself. 

Look for the warranty

One key indicator that you're dealing with a quality refurbished safe is a warranty offered by the dealer. A locksmith selling refurbished safes will often offer a warranty, reflecting confidence that the safe is now compliant with the relevant Australian standards. If your dealer doesn't offer a warranty, you'll be on your own in the event of any trouble with the safe, since the manufacturer's warranty will presumably no longer apply. 

Change your expectations

If you're looking for a particular model of safe, you may not always be able to find it in a second-hand version. Demand for professionally refurbished safes is high, and the availability of specific models can be unpredictable. Instead of choosing the safe you're looking for first, see what your locksmith or safe dealer has to offer and pick the safe that best suits your needs in terms of features and size. 

A professionally-refurbished second-hand safe can help you save money without compromising the security of your home or business in any way. They key point, however, is that the safe must be professionally refurbished and come from a reputable dealer; other used safes can represent a security vulnerability. Put in a little work to evaluate your options, and you'll be able to buy a second-hand safe with confidence. For more information, contact companies like Askwith Company.

About Me

Locking up the office at night

I have to have proper locks on the office doors and filing cabinets to keep the patient records safe. We have some very confidential information in our medical practise, so I have to make sure that it couldn't be accessed or used inappropriately. I have tried a range of different locks and safes, and some have been more reliable than others. On this site, I compare some of the different options and give some ideas on which models might suit different applications. If you are also needing to keep confidential documents safe, then this should be a useful site for you to bookmark.